

  Awesomely different day at school today. Even though none of my crushes were there. I think I can live though. We got out of our last class a tad early. The walk home was more quiet than it usually is because the many loud revving cars from the high school hadn’t hit the road yet.


  I started a “tender mercies” list. In 1nephi 1:20 in the middle of the verse it talks about them. I believe in the tender mercies of the Lord and I’ve dedicated myself to writing them down every time i’m blessed with one.

  Like, this morning, my alarm clock didn’t go off at 5:10 like it should have (hey i need an extra ten minutes ok? ;) but i woke up 10 minutes later to the beeping a construction vehicle makes when it’s backing up. I have no idea where it came from, but somewhere close by something was backing up at 5:20 in the morning. Isn’t that nice of Him?

  Then there was that cute popular boy that went out of his way to say “Hey Shumway!” to me. He totally didn’t have to, but he waved his arms until he got my attention. My friend walking next to me had to nudge my arm to tell me he was trying to say hi. That totally made my day. I love it when people go out of their way to smile at me, or give me a hug or just say hi. It gives me the greatest feeling and i love them when they do.

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