I was in a good mood until I read from my previous companion´s email that the awesome miracle family that were baptized went back to their old church and now aren´t so thrilled to come back to the true church. poop. Sorry. now I´m not in such a mood to write anything.
Mom just so you know i´m back and healthy again. Every once in a while usually at night my face will get all warm and feel like i have a fever but I don´t feel anything besides super tired (which is normal) so I don´t know what´s going on with mah face. But I have energy to work now. I just need to be more exactly obedient in the mornings again and actually exercise. Our house is chilly in the morning and it´s hard to really wake up and work out besides just "stretching out" under the warm covers but that´s not really exercise.
Ashton said he got my flashdrive! I put almost all the pictures i´ve taken so far on there so have fun flipping through those.
WHAT Abby! You´ve been back for what, two weeks and you´re already engaged!? haha. I got your letter!! Thank you sooo much! Send me your email so we can talk mission comparing. I will send you a letter too :)
Here´s my letter to the president.
Esta semana nos estávamos a andar para um outro parte da nossa área quando nos sentimos que devemos descer uma rua um pouco desconhecida por nós mas sabíamos para aonde acabou a rua. Nós dois estávamos a precisar de usar a casa de banho mas decidimos a seguir o sentimento. Nós falamos com cada pessoa e batemos algumas portas mas ninguém estava interessado. Decidimos orar e pedir que o Senhor nos guiássemos até as pessoas que estão preparadas para ouvir nossa mensagem. Estava de noite e a chover um pouquinho. Enquanto seguimos a rua, nos sentimos que devemos virar para a esquerda e entrar numa outra rua que nunca tínhamos entrado. Fomos. Começou a chover um pouco mais. Depois de bater algumas portas, (já foi muita escura mas a rua tinha luzes) saímos da rua para uma rua que nos conhecíamos. No outro lado da rua, um homem de fato e gravata com sua filha de 10 anos estavam a ficar em pé debaixo de um edifício para não ficar molhados. Por instinto, nos começamos a falar com essas pessoas. O pai, Ernesto, e Maria, a filha, disseram que nos podíamos voltar próxima segunda-feira de noite. Já temos marcada para voltar hoje com Miriam e Paulo Marchado, membros firmes do ramo de Ponta Delgada. Mas foi um ótimo experiência sentindo o Espírito Santo nos guiar até este pai e filha que aceitaram um reencontro.
and the google translator translation of translating translate.
This week we were to walk in another part of our area when we felt that we should go down the street a bit unknown to us but we knew just where to the street ended . We were both in need to use the bathroom but decided to follow the feeling. We spoke with each person and knocked some doors but no one was interested . We decided to pray and ask the Lord to guide us to people who are prepared to listen to our message . It was night and raining a little. While we follow the street , we feel that we must turn to the left and enter another street that had never entered . Went. It started to rain a little more . After knocking some doors ( already much dark but the street lights had ) left the street to a street that knew each other . Across the street, a man in suit and tie with his 10 year old daughter were standing under a building to not get wet . It started raining a LOT. Instinctively , we started talking to these people . The father , Ernesto , and Mary , the daughter , told us we could come back next Monday night. We have scheduled to return today with Miriam and Paul Marchado , strong members of the branch of Ponta Delgada . But it was a great experience feeling the Holy Spirit guide us to this father and daughter agreed to a reunion .
Love you all. sorry for the stinky letter.
Sister Shumway.
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