
silly sayings :P

I'm positive I lost an electron...

I'm one of those people that would find it funny if Sirius' middle name was Lee.

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems.

I wanted to send you something sexy for your birthday, but the mailman made me get out of the mailbox :(

If pro is the opposite of con, then what is the opposite of progress?

What did the blonde name her zebra? ...... Spot.

A life? COOL! Where did you download one of those?

I have not yet begun to procrastinate.

MORMONS: We don't have to be vampires to love forever.

Being random is contagious... Spread the chihuahua.

I LOVE my computer. My friends live in it.

Brunette: so i was listening to eminem last night... Blonde: you were listening to CANDY?!?

Chuck Norris can read Lady Gaga's poker face.

Chuck Norris can stop the beat. (yes that was mine. O.o)

No! I didn't trip! I was just testing gravity! ... and it still works!

of COURSE chocolate is a vegetable! It's made of BEANS isn't it??

It's OK pluto. I'm not a planet either.

Why do we bake cookies and cook bacon?

"Lets eat Rachel" "Lets eat, Rachel" Punctuation: it keeps us from eating our friends.

Why can't boys just be ugly until they get home from their missions?!

Forget Prince Charming... I want my Captain Moroni!!

Funeral Potatoes: the ultimate casserole of mormondom.

I only dance on days that end with 'Y'.

We're so tight- the JoBro's pants are jealous!

Fact of Life #5: You can't scare a girl who has a brother.

Chuck Norris knows where Carmen Sandiego is.

Awesomeness is my sixth sense.

Chuck Norris can win a staring contest against the sun!

And it came to pass.... that seminary is awesome.

"Give" - The Little Stream

wwdmd? what would donny and marie do?

Question: Which bear is best?

hm. fra-gee-lay. must be Italian.

So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.

thanks to: Pieces of Flair on Facebook :)

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