
Re: Day 300!

Keep up the good work.

On Monday, February 24, 2014 9:14 AM, Eliza Shumway <eliza.shumway@myldsmail.net> wrote:
Today is my 300th day on the mission can i get a woop woop? more like big woop! hah it´s fine.
We had an awesome week! Besides the fact our numbers were low cuz I have had some pretty bad pain in my back and had to stay home for a few days, we are teaching a beautiful little portuguese family, Olivia the mom, Jorge, the dad, Bruno and Ruben the boys (14 and 9 years old, but Ruben reminds me of a younger version of Jens so much!) We taught them the lessons and are now helping them make a habit of reading the scriptures and having family prayer at night, and Olivia even suggested they do family prayer before they leave for school etc! Her idea! Their dad has been gone for a while but he got back this morning from a business trip and he said he´ll take the boys to church when Olivia has to work so we´re hoping they´ll come through with that. But they live like literally next door to the church so the boys could come by themselves if they wanted.
Okay so about my back, Mom, I went to a physical therapist today and she helped "straighten" me out (it felt so nice) and taught me a few stretches and strengthening exercises I can do to help me fix my back. (I had to go to the emergency room... again... but this time it really was because of pain and not just cuz i had had a cold for two weeks, GOODNESS I´M SO HIGH MAINTENANCE it´s frustrating.) But she told me I need to be more careful about my posture which is what is causing most of the problem and I need to find a good backpack. So yeah I´ve been kind of out of commission for a few days but our wonderful little family we are teaching makes everything worth it.
LAST WEEK OF THE TRANSFER which will probably mean the last week with the beautiful, talented, hilarious, spiritual, righteous, awe-inspiring SISTER LYBBERT. Man I LOVE this girl and I´m going to bawl my eyes out when she gets transfered (everyone PRAY she stays one more with me otay? ;)
K well i love you all
260 more days until a big hug from me. (i get an extra 12 days on my mission hah.)
Sister Shammy

Day 300!

Today is my 300th day on the mission can i get a woop woop? more like big woop! hah it´s fine.
We had an awesome week! Besides the fact our numbers were low cuz I have had some pretty bad pain in my back and had to stay home for a few days, we are teaching a beautiful little portuguese family, Olivia the mom, Jorge, the dad, Bruno and Ruben the boys (14 and 9 years old, but Ruben reminds me of a younger version of Jens so much!) We taught them the lessons and are now helping them make a habit of reading the scriptures and having family prayer at night, and Olivia even suggested they do family prayer before they leave for school etc! Her idea! Their dad has been gone for a while but he got back this morning from a business trip and he said he´ll take the boys to church when Olivia has to work so we´re hoping they´ll come through with that. But they live like literally next door to the church so the boys could come by themselves if they wanted.
Okay so about my back, Mom, I went to a physical therapist today and she helped "straighten" me out (it felt so nice) and taught me a few stretches and strengthening exercises I can do to help me fix my back. (I had to go to the emergency room... again... but this time it really was because of pain and not just cuz i had had a cold for two weeks, GOODNESS I´M SO HIGH MAINTENANCE it´s frustrating.) But she told me I need to be more careful about my posture which is what is causing most of the problem and I need to find a good backpack. So yeah I´ve been kind of out of commission for a few days but our wonderful little family we are teaching makes everything worth it.
LAST WEEK OF THE TRANSFER which will probably mean the last week with the beautiful, talented, hilarious, spiritual, righteous, awe-inspiring SISTER LYBBERT. Man I LOVE this girl and I´m going to bawl my eyes out when she gets transfered (everyone PRAY she stays one more with me otay? ;)
K well i love you all
260 more days until a big hug from me. (i get an extra 12 days on my mission hah.)
Sister Shammy


Subject: God´s Children

The Lord humbles you if you don´t humble yourself to bring you to Him. I see that all around me and in myself too. You don´t realize how prideful you are when you first leave on your mission. "What? no, I´m humble, I´m fine" you think. BAhaha.. yeah uh huh. sure. Nope. You learn you are pretty darn proud. I´m learning that right now but I´m thankful for it because I think deep down I do want to be humble. Humility does not mean weakness or shyness. It´s strength from Heavenly Father. It means realizing that Heavenly Father´s will is more important to follow than your own. It´s doing what He askes.  It´s giving up little things that maybe are probably fine and good for something better or best, which is what He always has in store for us. It means love, love unfeigned (which means unpretended--the things you learn reading the scriptures in another language... who knew i´d learn more English by learning Portuguese?). It means hard work. It means sincerity, being genuine. 
You also don´t realize how much of a sinner you are before your mission, or at least I didn´t. I thought I was doing fine. I went to church, I didn´t do bad stuff, I did my best... which is what Heavenly Father wants us to do but He wants me to be something more than that and I can only be better by coming to Jesus Christ and humbling myself so He can show me my weaknesses (which is NO fun) but in the end of each experience like that I am better. I come closer to Them and realize more and more that They really are there and They love me and want me to be the best person I can be at every stage of my life. 

tune in next time for Deep Thoughts from Sister Sharmey. 
sis shumway


Fwd: Foto foto

i love my comp SISTER LYBBERT 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jéssica Cristina <jessica.cristina7@hotmail.com>
Date: Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 8:31 PM
Subject: Foto foto
To: "kristen.shumway@gmail.com" <kristen.shumway@gmail.com>, "eliza.shumway@myldsmail.net" <eliza.shumway@myldsmail.net>, "greta.lybbert@myldsmail.com" <greta.lybbert@myldsmail.net>

Enviado do meu iPhone


sorry friends i ran out of time, put this in Google translate from portuguese to english :)

Olá Presidente! Foi Incrível ter convosco no nosso ramo de Santarém! Foi também incrível ter o Lançamento da Primeira Pedra para a nova capela, sendo isso a primeira capela em SETE anos de começar ser construído! Que honra poder estar aqui com este ramo neste tempo feliz :)
Com certeza já comecei a ler o Doutrina e Convênios. Sinto mal por não ter isso começado até o dia antes da entrevista contigo. Tenho feito a decisão em não apenas ler as suas cartas como eu sempre fiz mas de sublinhar todas coisas que estão me PARA FAZER. (em conjunto com as outras coisas que estão para sublinhar as vezes.) Porque tenho notado que sou muita esquecida e se não presto atenção (com uma caneta pronta para sublinhar) em o que estou a ler não me ajude em nada, alem de poder dizer que "já li a carta" mas na verdade realmente não aprendi nem apliquei nada.
Presidente eu fiz 9 meses na missão este semana. Eu quero fazer melhor. Estive a orar MUITO por vontade de ser mas exatamente obediente, e não apenas obediente, mas proactiva. "ore sempre, para que saias vencedor" sei que isso é verdadeiro. Se queremos vencer, (estar feliz porque sabemos que Deus está feliz para conosco) temos que Orar SEMPRE para que não caímos em tentação (fazer algo que não seja exatamente obediente, ou ate não fazer algo-omissão aqui aplica muito.) Vou aplicar o conselho do pai do Presidente Hinckley para eu mesma. Esquecerei de mim mesma e trabalharei.
em fim. muitos pensamentos.
Teremos um batismo por nosso pesquisador Cláudio, (com quem chegamos um pouco atrasadas no domingo, pedimos perdão disso, foi dito para nos que começava as 11h, não as 10h, não sei como, felizmente Cláudio podia chegar mais cedo de que planeado) e estamos muita felizes por causa disso. Sei que tudo que aconteceu com ele foi intervenção divina. Este quinta-feira passada sabíamos que precisávamos falar sobre como corria o progresso dele em parar de fumar. Não tínhamos um compromisso marcado com ninguém de manhã, mas fizemos umas ligações. Sister Lybbert tinha ouvido falar em um membro do ramo, António Teixeira, que tinha parado de fumar mas Sis Lybbert não o conhecia muito bem, era porque pensávamos que ele foi menos ativo. Mas tomamos o risco e ligamo-lo para saber se ele podia ensinar conosco aquela noite. Ele aceitou. Também ligamos para uma rapariga para ter uma mulher na palestra aquela noite e ela também podia. Cláudio também podia estar lá. 3 MILAGRES em seguido. Quando nos três tínhamos chegado além do António, eu e Sis Lybbert ficamos ansiosas porque não sabíamos quem chegaria mas ao mesmo tempo sentimos paz que tudo daria bem. Estavamos a cantar quando António chegou, com uma pasta de documentos e vestido bem. Falamos um bocadinho sobre obediência e depois o irmão Teixeira começou a falar. Falou tudo que o Cláudio precisava ouvir, como ele tinha parado de fumar 4 caixas de cigarros por dia para ser batizado. Foi uma bênção tão grande. Sei que porque aquele dia tínhamos saído da casa no minuto certinho em vez de ficar e lavar as loiças e sair só um pouco atrasadas, Deus fez este milagre para nos. (lavamos as loiças a primeira coisa depois do planeamento diário:) Até poderia ter acontecido se nos teríamos lavado as loiças, mas acho que Deus quis mostrar para mim pelo menos a importância de ser EXATAMENTE OBEDIENTE, porque eu sei que posso ser muita melhor nisso. E tenho decidido em ser.
Sister Shumway