
last days

this is a crazy world.
corruption and sin run rampant.
even at high school.
there's a pregnant girl in my class.
people swear all over the place.
barely no one respects modesty.
and this is utah.

1 comment:

  1. I think I would say especially at high school.

    Peer pressure is hard to deal with for a lot of kids. Be kind to those that have made mistakes- my heart aches for the girl who is pregnant. Remember that she has a choice to not be pregnant, and it is much harder to deal with all the judgement of others as she bares this child, than get rid of a pregnancy. So at least she is choosing to have the baby and hopefully she will learn from the mistake, but it is not our place to judge her.

    Be careful not to let your guard down, even in Utah... or when you get to Idaho. Inevitably, good people make mistakes- at all times in life. If they get too comfortable, distracted or scared to stand up for what they believe in.
