
my poems :)

this first poem is about my cute little 2 year old cousin, Josh Ray.


A little boy I see right there;

Three foot two, a head of hair.

With eyes of blue, they look at you;

Tiny feet, in shoes of blue.

What a beauty, lovely boy;

Took long to come, but what a joy.


This next one is just a silly poem from an idea that my online English teacher gave me for an assignment.



Male: 6’2”

Not to much brawn

Dark blonde to light brown hair

Soft blue or green eyes

Plays piano, guitar or both

Knows how to dress up

Appreciates art and literature

Chivalrous, courteous, protective and kind

Silly at times


Eagle Scout

Proud and reverent, priesthood bearer

Loves kids

Hard worker, patient, wonderful and mine


Our extended family went on a camping trip to the Uintas recently. I just wrote a list poem about it.

LIST POEM: Camping Trip

Rain, thunder and lightning

Colorful paper cups

Propane, fire and tree smell

Stomach ache, too much food

Story time around the warmth

Cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles

Brothers, Mom and Dad

Green, brown, and flowers

Sleeping bags, forgotten pillows

Scripture time, deep in thought

Beauty, family and God


I wrote these poems because of an assignment on my online English class. This next one was the first. It’s about me. haha.


“I can’t do it mom,”

she said expiring onto the sofa.

“Oh, nay, but woe is me.”

She contemplated the great task before her.

“Never in a million years

Could I ever write

a poem.”


I originally wrote this next one for a Portuguese (Literatura) class assignment in Brazil. But hey, it was my work so i just used it for my assignment again here in the good ol’ USA. (i have it translated into English after)


É de manhã de um dia novo.

Muitas possibilidades. Muitas oportunidades.

O que vai acontecer hoje? Vou estar feliz?

Sim. Vou decidir agora. É a minha desição.

O que vou sentir hoje? Vou sentir tristeza?

Não. Vou decidir agora. É a minha desição.

É de manhã de um dia novo.

Muitas oportunidades. Muitas posibilidades.

(translated into English:)

It is early morning of a new day.

Many possibilities. Many opportunities.

What will happen today? Will I be happy?

Yes. I'll decide now. Is my decision.

What will I feel today? Will I feel sadness?

No. I'll decide now. Is my decision.

It is early morning of a new day.

Many opportunities. Many possibilities.

ODE: Gratitude

I clasp my hands in front of me

As I sit silent as a tree.

I open my heart and close my eyes

And hope the Lord can hear my cries.

I bow my head, ponder and listen

For that quiet voice that beckons.

It comforts as I’m truly seeing

The love it radiates to my being.

My spirit’s been heard; my soul refreshed

I know I’m heard from the feeling in my breast.

I thank my God for my every blessing

And for his humbling, loving voice caressing.


  1. My favorite is the Joshy poem so Great! I am so glad to hear form you again! Love ya!
