

well i pretty much know that my dear aunt Cassity is the only one that reads my blog, so just consider this site dedicated to you, my favorite lady! I also know that if you just have like a whole long block of writing no one even bothers to read it unless they truly love the writer (;D) so i guess i can just write about whatever i want. aaaalmost like a journal entry! i feel so free. and also, the more thing, if you have a boring the title… the even fewer readers you’ll get. yes! by the way, holy cow. i was looking in those mirrors that open so you can see the back of your head etc. and there was one angle i saw of myself that looked EXACTLY like you!! i was so proud. --- k i’m not going to separate this into paragraphs. just to warn you. i will get even less readers that way. BAM. blog skimmers – as opposed to blog readers - just like to look at pictures. which i have more of, btw, and will add later. So when i am about to switch subjects as i’m writing, i’ll just do this: ---. --- what are men to rocks and mountains, aunt cassity? that’s what i’d like to know. man it must be soo lucky to be married and not have to worry about stuff like that. haha. i remember one time when you and i were riding in a car past the provo temple’s big field it has in front of it where people play soccer, and you were looking out at all the boys playing on there and telling me how cute you thought they all were. in my 6-7 year old mind, i was like… what?? how can you even tell?  or what are you even talking about? or what? you’re crazy. something to that effect. haha. now i know! (and now i know how frustrating it can be!! GAA!!) --- speaking of “what are men to rocks and mountains” as elizabeth bennet said in pride and prejudice… i just finished that book! aaaah. took me all of a week cuz it was so dang good. and cuz it was fall break. yeah. i’m an introvert. didn’t do much over the break besides read and one day help my best friend marie and her dad make some chocolate. they own a chocolate making business. pretty much amazing. i LOVE to go over to her house. haha. Now i’m reading The Education of Little Tree, and i’m almost done. next i’m going to read Little Women again i believe. ---- well i’m totally avoiding my mounds of homework i have. i think i lost some of my school folders because i can’t seem to find them anywhere, and they have some latework in them that i need to turn in…. the term ends this friday… and i have a math test tomorrow… and like 3 assinments due tomorrow in biology that i haven’t started on. i honestly don’t know why i’m writing in this. i just felt like talking to you, since you’re the only one that is probably going to read this. lol. i hope you do at least…. :S ---- Aunt Shauna is at my house right now… oh wait you probably don’t know her do you? she’s my dad’s sister. and my dad’s mom is staying with us too. x) fun times. well for some reason i just felt like i’m done writing here. i love you truly truly truly. and sorry to anyone else that read this, i’m actually pretty amazed that you did, seeing that you probably just wasted 5 minutes haha. well ttyl. pictures to come. hopefully. just to warn you, i really don’t take good pictures. it’s kind of sad, actually.

this is my friend Jordan. he’s awesome.


This is my friend Courtney. she’s a doll.

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This was a cool picture of my mom and i, the sky was BEAUTIFUL!! i hope i captured a tiny bit of it.


Here’s my too-cute-to-be-true beehive friend, Megan. she helped me make one of the centerpieces for YW in Excellence yesterday for next week.  We did Divine Nature. Blue. it says “color me beautiful” on it. we were pretty proud of ourselves.

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