
are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?

3848164604_108d36ea1a 40155461_09cfe09a3e 41942696_ac7de727a7 43165466_d0964e3234 43167611_bc7e8dad01 43169064_30caa6ff88


 1551011344_1322e16abd 728915260_968422db781558734370_b9f28c2ee9 2784852812_2da1f2545f 3186143355_4840fb7620 3616583076_6f08218f39 3839267305_ac8d8f98b8 3842741078_6d0b5c2cab 3846205962_4a2096e589

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pics! Keep um coming!

    Oh and by the way, I did get one picture of you, hanging out at Oma and Opa's house. It was like 20 posts ago though!
