please excuse my grammer and spelling mistakes. I am forgetting english. it´s fine.
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:44 PM, Eliza Shumway <> wrote:
Hello fam fam.Well where do I start.This week had lots of highs and lots of lows.We found an awesome girl, Kely, Friday before last and she got baptized yesterday:) (picture included) much to her mother´s chagrin however... she´s 23 so she´s fine but her mom didn´t find out until like an hour before her baptism because she works so much and she was not happy. Hopefully we can help her understand it was NOT a bad decision that she made.This week we found lots of people to start to teach, all of which we invited to church and called probably too many times and so none of them came. (plus it´s at 9:30 in the morning and we didn´t really teach them yet so they don´t know why they should come yet... hopefully they´ll let us talk to them some more...) That really was hard on me that none of them came (about 10 had said they would come. Only Kely came and was baptized after church which was awesome) And I went into the bathroom at church and Rosa, an amazing brazilian lady who served a mission herself was in there and i started to complain about how much work we had did throughout the week and how no one showed up... just fishing for sympathy but to which she said frankly "don´t complain." and left. hah. i love her and soooo needed to hear that. I love brazilians.This week I studied and grew to learn a lot more about my Savior Jesus Christ. If you guys can get a hold of the DVD "Special Witnesses of Jesus Christ" made around 2000 with Pres Hinckley and the apostles, I HIGHLY recommend it. I don´t think we take Jesus Christ as nearly as seriously as we should. I wrote in my `daily testimony` journal last night this entry that i wanted to share with you all.I love my Savior. He is SO incredible. He was COMPLETELY obedient to Heavenly Father. He wasn´t some servant robot either though--He had so much love for Heavenly Father so He CHOSE to be 100% obedient and He knew of His divine calling to save mankind. There´s so much that can and should be said about Him but what´s most important at least to say right now is that we--no, I have to "come unto" Him (Matthew 11:28)--go up to Him--as best as I can as I learn about Him from the scriptures and profets and try to be like Him and apply His atoning sacrifice in my life. He felt how TIRED we feel along with everything else he felt--something I hadn´t realized before until I read Mosiah 3:7 in Portuguese. The word fatigue in porguese is `cansaço` which hit me as TIREDENESS and I cried on the spot. He felt how TIRED I am. I had never thought of it that way. And man has that made me love Him and feel like I know Him a lot better after that hit me. I love my big brother Jesus Christ. I look forward to the day that I will meet Him face to face. I hope I will live worthily, "D[M]B" as my mom always says (Do Your Best but do my best), so that it will be under good circumstances that I meet Him haha.okie dokie. well I appologize to my grandma for the word `freaking` that i use a lot, I´m still thinking of another one that can mean the same thing and be more missionary appropriate haha.Has Brantley gotten his call yet? Keep me updated on any mission call openings. Put Noah´s mission call opening on facebook or youtube and i´ll try to see if i can get permission to watch it.LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLSíster Shumway
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